Weekly Brief for June 29, 2023

Last modified date

Budget Signed

Governor Gavin Newsom signed the state budget act this week.

Budget Act of 2023 text: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB101.

Budget explained: https://ebudget.ca.gov/.

Hot Weather Expected

Moderate to major heat impacts will build over much of the state through Monday as temperatures reach their highest levels so far this year.

Daytime temperatures will warm into the 100 to 108°F range across much of the Central Valley, and in the 110-118°F range over the southern deserts. Readings closer to the coast, including the Central Coast and Bay Area will reach well into the 80s and 90s as well, with only the immediate coast seeing much cooler conditions.

Overnight low temperatures in the 60s and lower 70s will also be common across the Central Valley and deserts The hottest temperatures are forecast Friday through Sunday, with the heat gradually easing next week.

State Workers Set to Go Without Contract

The current contract that covers most state workers expires at the end of this week. Workers will continue to work under the terms of the expired contract until a new contract is negotiated or until an impasse in negotiations occurs. The initial ask from the union has been a 30% raise over 3 years, and the counteroffer from the state has been a 6% raise. That’s a fairly large gap and the state has indicated they don’t plan to budge. This week, state workers protested in front of CalHR to put pressure on the state negotiators to come up with a better proposal.

Sacramento View

The Sacramento View posts news stories about California's government.